TuSimple L4 Autonomous Trucking Brand
TuSimple is a autonomous driving technology company headquartered in San Diego developing commercial-ready, artificial intelligence driving solutions for long-haul heavy-duty freight trucks. As their senior graphic designer, I implemented a top-down marketing brand strategy and style guide with an integrated a dynamic design process to deliver on weekly marketing objectives. Over my tenure there, I executed over a dozen thematic marketing social media campaigns, project managed design agency relations, developed interactive website landing page interfaces, mapped print designs for technology conferences, and produced branded documentary video productions with motion graphics.


Clean & Simple, Dark & Light
San Serif Square Font + Icons
Focus on Photos and Topography
Full Width Video on the Road
Green Glowing Technology
The clean yet eye-catching color pairing of the brand represent the elegant potency behind their technology and paired nicely with the intricate topographical pattern to portray technological sophistication and a focus on the environment.

TuSimple Brand Guidelines